Friday, 26 August 2022

Make it last longer


I found the picture below whilst searching for something on Pinterest. It has not copied well but you can get the idea. 

In the sorting this week I went through the fridge not to see what was out of date but to throw away anything that had gone off.

These are very different things.but that is not what the world would have us believe. I don’t look at the use by dates but I do look at what the food looks like and smells like.

Our house  is cluttered by us not throwing things away as they might be useful and whilst I want to clear some of it, I am not throwing out things for the sake of it.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

What is contentment?

 Lately I have heard lots of people talking about contentment and it got me thinking.

First I looked it up in the dictionary;

  1. a state of happiness and satisfaction.

I also searched what the bible says:

Content; Contentment 


kon-tent', kon-tent'-ment (ya`al; arkeo):

To be free from care because of satisfaction with what is already one's own. The Hebrew means simply "to be pleased." The Greek brings out the full force of the word in 1 Timothy 6:8Hebrews 13:5. Contentment (1 Timothy 6:6) is more inward than satisfaction; the former is a habit or permanent state of mind, the latter has to do with some particular occurrence or object.

So then,what is contentment?

The reality is that I think it is different for everyone. We all find  our pleasure and happiness in different things and that is what makes us all different.

For me these 2 pictures sum up being content


Tuesday, 23 August 2022


 Sometime you have to make a start.

This week I have been working on sorting and cleaning but I am also battling what I think is a tooth abscess.I have antibiotics and am hoping for the best.

DH also has dentist yesterday to have a tooth removed so we are eating lots of soft foods in this house.

Weather has been dull grey and some rain but I really don’t care it is nice to just be.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Annual leave and starting slow

 Today is the first day of annual leave and I am starting slowly in the hope that if I give myself time to relax it will allow me space to think and feel which has really been missing lately.

I also really do want to be more present on here and hope to be able to spend some time preparing some posts.

Word of the year 2025

 Like a lot of others I choose a word each year. For 2025 my word is;  Also I have chosen a bible verse which is: Do you choose a word?